Chapter 23.24 PARCEL MERGERS
This chapter is included in your selections.
- 23.24.010 Purpose.
- 23.24.020 Scope.
- 23.24.030 Definitions.
- 23.24.060 Application(s).
- 23.24.070 Application deemed complete.
- 23.24.080 Environmental review.
- 23.24.090 Departmental review.
- 23.24.100 Administrative hearing and determination.
- 23.24.110 Administrative criteria.
- 23.24.120 Conditions of approval.
- 23.24.130 Appeal of administrative decision.
- 23.24.140 Appeal of Planning Commission decision (applicant defined).
- 23.24.150 Final processing – Process completion.
- 23.24.160 Recordation of notice of map.
- 23.24.170 Expiration.
- 23.24.180 Exclusive authority for county-initiated merger of contiguous parcels.
- 23.24.190 Requirements for merger.
- 23.24.200 Filing notice of merger.
- 23.24.210 Property owner’s request for hearing.
- 23.24.220 Hearing on determination of status.
- 23.24.230 Determination of merger.
- 23.24.240 Time limit for requesting a hearing.
- 23.24.250 Determination of nonmerger.