3.09.030 Holiday leave.
A. The following days are designated as official county holidays:
January 1st (New Year’s Day)
Second Monday in February (Lincoln’s Birthday)
Third Monday in February (Washington’s Birthday)
Last Monday in May (Memorial Day)
July 4th (Independence Day)
First Monday in September (Labor Day)
September 9th (Admissions Day)
November 11th (Veterans Day)
Fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day)
Friday after Thanksgiving
December 24th (day before Christmas)
December 25th (Christmas Day)
B. Observance of Holiday Occurring on Weekend. All holidays occurring on a Saturday shall be observed on the preceding Friday. All holidays occurring on a Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday.
C. Christmas Eve Holiday. The December 24th holiday should be observed on the last working day prior to the day when the December 25th holiday is observed.
D. Except as to employees in the Sheriff’s Office (including the corrections officers, Deputy Sheriffs and administrative staff), permanent full-time employees working on a flex schedule (such as four 10-hour days per week) shall be entitled to 10 hours of pay when a holiday falls on a normally/customarily scheduled day of work for the employee. If a holiday falls on a noncustomary work day for the employee (when the employee would otherwise not be at work), the employee will not receive any compensation (or additional time off). If the employee is required to work on such noncustomary workday/holiday then such work shall be paid at the employee’s regular rate of pay. Employees shall not be allowed to adjust their work schedules to change their regular work days in advance of any holiday. Permanent part-time employees will get a proportionate credit for holiday leave based on their percentage of FTE; i.e., a permanent part-time employee working at 50 percent of FTE will get a credit of four hours of holiday pay irrespective of whether the holiday falls on a day when the employee was scheduled to work or not. Each department head shall provide a schedule to the Auditor at the beginning of each month showing the days and hours to be worked by employees within their respective departments for the following month.
E. Full-time employees in the Sheriff’s Office (including the corrections officers, Deputy Sheriffs and administrative staff) shall receive eight hours of holiday pay for each holiday listed in subsection (A) of this section.
F. Permanent part-time employees will get a proportionate credit for holiday pay based on their percentage of FTE; i.e., a permanent part-time employee working at 50 percent of FTE will get a credit of four hours of holiday pay irrespective of whether the holiday falls on a day when the employee was scheduled to work or not. Each department head shall provide a schedule to the Auditor at the beginning of each month showing the days and hours to be worked by employees within their respective departments for the following month. (Ord. 1046, eff. 8/3/13)