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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 1105 Amends § 8.12.050, propane heaters 10/5/2021 Repealed by Ord. 1130
Ord. 1104 Adds § 3.09.010(I); repeals § 3.08.060, payouts to employees leaving county service 10/5/2021 Codified
Ord. 1103 Adds Ch. 2.91, Partnership HealthPlan of California Commission 9/21/2021 Codified
Ord. 1102 Adds § 15.13.010(D), amendment to community commercial (CC) zoning district 9/7/2021 Codified
Ord. 1101 Repeals and replaces § 8.12.050, open fires prohibited within unincorporated areas 8/3/2021 Repealed by Ord. 1130
Ord. 1100 Amends § 8.50.040, water service charges 7/20/2021 Codified
Ord. 1099 Adds § 8.12.050, open fires prohibited within unincorporated areas 6/28/2021 Repealed by Ord. 1101
Ord. 1098 Repeals Ch. 3.12, drug and alcohol nonuse and testing 6/15/2021 Repealer
Ord. 1097 Amends § 12.06.050, fire development impact fees 2/2/2021 Codified
Ord. 1096 Repeals § 11.05.150, emergency weight limit on Pearl Street Bridge 13C0003 1/19/2021 Repealer
Ord. 1095 Adds § 8.12.050; repeals Ord. 1094, open fires prohibited within unincorporated areas 9/18/2020 Expired
Ord. 1094 Temporarily prohibits open fires within unincorporated areas 9/15/2020 Repealed by Ord. 1095
Ord. 1093 Adds § 11.05.150, emergency weight limit on Pearl Street Bridge 13C0003 9/1/2020 Repealed by Ord. 1096
Ord. 1092 Amends § 5.20.020, transient occupancy tax 6/21/2021 Codified
Ord. 1091 Adds § 36.05.050(C); amends §§ 36.05.060(B) and 36.05.070, storage of hazardous substances in underground tanks 4/7/2020 Codified
Ord. 1090 Adds Chs. 8.40 [8.45], 8.70, 8.80, and 8.90; repeals and replaces Ch. 8.50; repeals Ch. 8.60, county service areas and public water system 2/4/2020 Codified
Ord. 1089 Amends § 11.12.080, parking in Verdi 12/3/2019 Codified
Ord. 1088 Amends Appendix I of Ch. 2.06, conflict of interest code 6/4/2019 Codified
Ord. 1087 Amends §§ 15.13.010(A), 15.13.140, 15.13.150(A) and 15.13.190, zone amendments 3/19/2019 Codified
Ord. 1086 Amends § 2.04.070; repeals § 2.04.100, supervisors’ compensation 1/8/2019 Codified
Ord. 1085 Repeals and replaces § 2.04.090, supervisors’ mileage allowance 1/8/2019 Codified
Ord. 1084 Adds § 12.04.081, local agency management program adopted 9/18/2018 Codified
Ord. 1083 Adds § 11.08.010(M); repeals § 11.08.020(I), speed limits 8/21/2018 Codified
Ord. 1082 Repeals and replaces § 5.50.010; repeals §§ 5.50.011, 5.50.012, 5.50.013, 5.50.014 and 5.50.015, schedule of fees and charges 3/20/2018 Codified
Ord. 1081 Adds Ch. 8.02, commercial marijuana 11/21/2017 Codified