15.12.230 OS-20 open space residential district.
A. Purpose and Intent. To provide for and encourage low-intensity large lot developments for single-family homes in an orderly fashion in the applicable open areas of the county which are particularly suited to such uses. It is intended that this zone be applicable in the A1 agricultural and GF general forest districts within the county. This district recognizes the need to protect and enhance our natural forests and agricultural lands.
B. Conditional Uses. A mobilehome used as a single-family dwelling. All uses are subject to the issuance of a use permit and include one single-family dwelling and accessory structures customarily appurtenant to the primary use and subject to special requirements.
C. Nonpermitted Uses. All uses which are not consistent with the purpose and intent of the OS, A1, and GF districts, open space and conservation element and the seismic safety element.
D. Property Development Standards. One residence per 20 acres.
E. Population Density. One single-family residence per 20 acres except where cluster type development has been approved by the Planning Commission.
F. Height Limitation. Two-story building not to exceed 35 feet.
G. Minimum Yards. Front yard, 100 feet as measured from the centerline of abutting roads; side and rear yards, 60 feet; corner lots, front, rear and side yards, 100 feet.
H. Parking. One garage, carport, or off-street parking space per dwelling unit. (Ord. 428, eff. 9/19/74; Ord. 423, eff. 7/7/74; Prior code § 86190.50–86190.58)
See Ordinance 984 for further changes.