15.13.085 Amendment to rural residential – 10 acres (RR-10).
A. The following described parcel, being 10.39 acres and a portion of County Assessor parcel 016-090-052-0, is zoned rural residential-10 acres (RR-10) in compliance with SCC 15.12.225:
Parcel Description
A 10.39 acre parcel of land southwest of Smithneck Road and Southeast of the City of Loyalton, more particularly described as the N 2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4, T. 21N., 16E., M.D.B.&M.
B. The following parcel to the properties zoned RR-10:
C. The following described parcel, being 27.71 acres and identified as County Assessor parcel 002-130-028, more fully described as: “Designated Remainder Parcel as per Parcel Map for Ed and Jane Carrier, filed on March 16, 2001, in Book 11 of Maps and Surveys, Page 29, Sierra County Records,” is designated within the RR-10 zoning district as described in SCC 15.12.225.
(The above-described property is removed from the GF zoning district designation.) (Ord. 998, eff. 6/5/08; Ord. 954, eff. 4/15/04; Ord. 896, eff. 3/2/00; Ord. 857, eff. 9/4/97)