3.03.010 Recruitment.
A. The appointing authority shall be responsible for the recruitment of persons who are to be considered for employment within their respective departments. An active recruitment program shall be conducted to attract suitable numbers of qualified applicants to compete for county service.
B. Recruitment programs shall be conducted in such a manner and for such time periods as determined by the appointing authority to be useful and expedient for the class involved. The appointing authority may leave the recruitment open for an indefinite time or until the position is filled.
C. No offer or commitment of employment may be made to any applicant until after the specified deadline for that position has passed and sufficient time has elapsed for the processing of applications, administration of exams, and the certification and referral of applicants.
D. The appointing authority may utilize job vacancy announcements, bulletins, advertisements, and other methods to publicize employment opportunities with the county.
E. When federal or state laws, grants, or contracts stipulate, the appointing authority shall be responsible for notifying the appropriate public and private agencies concerning job openings in order to comply with applicable equal employment opportunity practices.